Antiabortion Heartbeat Bills Cause Immense Suffering
The rise in infant mortality in Texas shows that in states with strict abortion bans, forcing people to carry nonviable pregnancies to term codifies cruelty and unnecessary pain
Antiabortion Heartbeat Bills Cause Immense Suffering
The rise in infant mortality in Texas shows that in states with strict abortion bans, forcing people to carry nonviable pregnancies to term codifies cruelty and unnecessary pain
The Biden-Trump Debate’s Biggest Health Claims Fact-Checked
This year’s first presidential debate between President Joe Biden and former president Donald Trump featured clashes over insulin costs, inflation, abortion, immigration, and January 6
The Supreme Court’s Idaho Decision Lets Me Keep Saving Lives
In its decision in Idaho v. U.S., the Supreme Court has decided to uphold the ability of emergency medicine providers like me to use abortion to stabilize or save a life
Misinformation around Birth Control Online Is a Form of Contraception Coercion
Social media is flooding users with bad information about birth control. Providers need to fight back by rebuilding trust in reproductive health care
Abortion Pill Access Is Still Under Threat After SCOTUS Ruling, Legal Experts Warn
“It would be foolish to declare victory” for abortion rights, one expert says of the recent Supreme Court challenge to medication abortion access
Many Prenatal Supplements Don’t Provide Enough of Key Nutrients
Most pregnant people take prenatal supplements, but weak regulation means these products don’t necessarily provide the needed nutrients
It Is Too Soon for Clinical Trials on Artificial Wombs
A technology meant to help severely premature infants raises questions of inequity and may someday threaten parents’ rights to make decisions
Microplastics Have Now Been Found in Testicles. How Bad Is That?
Evidence shows microplastics can end up in many different organs and may harm reproductive health
Abortion Restrictions Are Spreading, even though Science Shows They’re Harmful
“We should not make it harder for people to access abortion,” says a researcher who has studied the impacts on people who seek the procedure and are denied
Experimental Ovarian Tissue Freezing Could Delay Menopause, but Experts Are Weighing the Risks
Extracting, freezing and retransplanting slices of hormone-producing ovarian tissue could postpone menopause, but some experts say it’s not effective enough—or necessary
Abortion Bans in Arizona and Florida Will Face Voters in November
The state supreme courts in Florida and Arizona both recently ruled that strict abortion bans could go into effect. But ballot measures may give voters a chance to weigh in
IVF Treatment in the U.S. May Be at Risk, Scientists Warn
An Alabama court ruling that human embryos outside the uterus should be regarded as children has raised concerns among doctors and scientists about the future of the fertility treatment in vitro fertilization