Not Everyone Has an Inner Voice Streaming Through Their Head
The extent to which people experience “inner speech” varies greatly, and the differences matter for performing certain cognitive tasks
Not Everyone Has an Inner Voice Streaming Through Their Head
The extent to which people experience “inner speech” varies greatly, and the differences matter for performing certain cognitive tasks
From Diagnosing Brain Disorders to Cognitive Enhancement, 100 Years of EEG Have Transformed Neuroscience
The EEG has shaped researchers’ understanding of cognition for everything from perception to memory
Why the Mystery of Consciousness Is Deeper Than We Thought
Despite great progress, we lack even the beginning of an explanation of how the brain produces our inner world of colors, sounds, smells and tastes. A thought experiment with “pain-pleasure” zombies illustrates that the mystery is deeper than we thought
Life Experiences May Shape the Activity of the Brain’s Cellular Powerhouses
Mitochondria appear to ratchet up their activity when life is going well and tamp it down during hard times
The Face on Mars and Other Cases of Cosmic Pareidolia
The human brain loves seeing patterns, even when they aren’t really there
What It’s like to Live with a Brain Chip, according to Neuralink’s First User
Thirty-year-old Noland Arbaugh says the Neuralink chip has let him “reconnect with the world”
How Your Itch Can Make Others Scratch
Just watching someone scratch themselves on social media switches on the brain network that initiates the physical sensation of itch
Brain Scans of Jazz Musicians Reveal How to Reach a Creative ‘Flow State’
Both expertise and the ability to release one’s focus can help people enter a state of effortless attention
Crows Rival Human Toddlers in Counting Skills
Counting crows proclaim “caw, caw, caw, caw” when staring at the number four
Device Decodes ‘Internal Speech’ in the Brain
Technology that enables researchers to interpret brain signals could one day allow people to talk using only their thoughts
A Cubic Millimeter of a Human Brain Has Been Mapped in Spectacular Detail
Google scientists have modeled all 150 million connections of a fragment of the human brain at nanoscale resolution
Lifting the Veil on Near-Death Experiences
What the neuroscience of near-death experiences tells us about human consciousness