How Delicate Comb Jellies Withstand Crushing Depths—But Melt Away on Land
Scientists finally know how a gelatinous deep-sea creature keeps its cells from paralysis under pressure
How Delicate Comb Jellies Withstand Crushing Depths—But Melt Away on Land
Scientists finally know how a gelatinous deep-sea creature keeps its cells from paralysis under pressure
8 Ways to Protect Wildlife Near Your Home
However much outdoor space you have, here’s how to use it for conservation
Animal ‘Queens’ Reveal Surprising Complexities of Social Power
In a new nature documentary about matriarchal species, the males are mostly absent
Ancient Crustacean Has Largest Fossil Claw of Any Crab Ever Recorded
This newfound crab species' body size is also larger than any other fossil crab—but its modern day descendent is even bigger
Antarctica’s Penguins Could Be Devastated by Avian Influenza
Scientists are watching closely to see whether avian influenza will reach Antarctica before this year’s penguin chicks disperse for the season
Cleaning Water Naturally the Ancient Maya Way
The ancestral Maya lived in better harmony with the environment and kept water clean naturally. We can learn from them
Which Lost Species May be Found Again? Huge Study Reveals Clues
There are 856 mammal, bird, amphibian and reptile species currently missing—but researchers continue to search
What’s Missing from the Emoji Animal Kingdom?
In the digital age, some scientists argue the emojisphere should better represent Earth’s biosphere—tardigrades, flatworms and all
Coming Soon: The Biggest Biodiversity Issues of 2024
Low-carbon fertilizer, printable DNA, bird-bashing buildings and a dozen other trends could greatly help or hurt biodiversity in 2024
Kākāpō Parrots Are Flightless, Adorable and Making a Comeback
DNA sequencing, GPS tracking and tailored diets are slowly restoring New Zealand's endangered kākāpō
Invasive ‘Cocaine Hippos’ Are Being Sterilized in Colombia
To deal with invasive hippos that were brought to Colombia by drug lord Pablo Escobar—and that threaten the country’s biodiversity—the nation’s government is sterilizing, exporting and euthanizing the animals
How AI Can Help Save Endangered Species
Scientists are using artificial intelligence to fight biodiversity loss by analysing vast amounts of data, monitoring ecosystems and spotting trends over time