Fighting, Fleeing and Living on Iceland’s Erupting Volcano
Residents of Grindavík hope hastily constructed walls of old volcanic rock will divert hot lava streaming from fissures in the ground beneath them
Fighting, Fleeing and Living on Iceland’s Erupting Volcano
Residents of Grindavík hope hastily constructed walls of old volcanic rock will divert hot lava streaming from fissures in the ground beneath them
Demolishing Homes That Sustain Hurricane Damage Can Improve Local Economy
Buying out and razing homes harmed by Hurricane Sandy boosted business development, jobs and property values in nearby neighborhoods
Millions of U.S. Homes Risk Disaster because of Outdated Building Codes
Building codes that don’t fully account for climate change are “one of the most significant factors” in increasing disaster risk, a federal report says
Could Tougher Building Codes Fix Climate Change?
States that adopt updated building codes also could see big savings in energy bills
Wildfires Threaten More Homes and People in the U.S. Than Ever Before
The number of homes located within the perimeters of wildfires has doubled since the 1990s. A surprising ecosystem is responsible for the risk
FEMA Offers Every State $2 Million to Adopt Safer Building Codes
First-of-its-kind FEMA funding aims to update archaic building codes that leave millions of people exposed to climate-fueled hurricanes, floods and other extreme weather
Dams Worldwide Are at Risk of Catastrophic Failure
Here’s why disasters like Libya’s dam collapses happen and how to prevent them
Heat Waves May Be Slow, but They Are Just as Destructive as Faster Disasters
After weeks at 100 degrees F, the drought and heat wave in Texas are taking their toll
Building Codes Save Money and Lives
As climate change increases the number and severity of natural disasters, an investment in updated building codes will save billions in repairs
The Ukraine War Is an Environmental Catastrophe with Global Consequences
When it’s time to rebuild, we must prioritize more sustainable and resilient infrastructure in Ukraine
How Empty Office Spaces Can Be Converted into Homes
It is possible to transform empty office buildings into residential ones—but remodeling these spaces won’t be easy
Robotic Bees Could Support Vertical Farms Today and Astronauts Tomorrow
The buzzy industry of robotic pollinators is setting its sights on indoor farms for urban—and extraterrestrial—environments