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SA Supplements Vol 38 Issue 975supp

SA Supplements

Volume 38, Issue 975supp

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Scientific Enigmas

Lord Salisbury

Shoes for Walking

Methods of Mine Timbering

W. H. Storms

The Generation of Chlorine for Laboratory Purposes

F. A. Gooch, D. Albert Kreider

Some Laboratory Apparatus

A. Bidet

An Improved Compound for Use in the Manufacture of Matches

H. Priester

Notes on Aluminum

George Frederick Andrews

Apparatus for Collecting Samples of Water Some Distance Beneath the Surface

William T. Burgess

A Great Cotton Mill

Insect Secretions

E. A. Butler

Some African Pests

Mary Ferguson

Prehistoric Remains in Florida

Dynamite in Antiquity

Rubus Japonicus Tricolor

The Origin of the Gold of Quartz Veins

J. Logan Lobley


Percival Lowell


Haffkine's Cholera Inoculation