Life for Researchers on This Icebreaker Is Cold and Fulfilling
Get a behind-the-scenes look at how researchers live and work on a U.S. icebreaker making its way through the waters of West Antarctica.
Life for Researchers on This Icebreaker Is Cold and Fulfilling
Get a behind-the-scenes look at how researchers live and work on a U.S. icebreaker making its way through the waters of West Antarctica.
How Delicate Comb Jellies Withstand Crushing Depths—But Melt Away on Land
Scientists finally know how a gelatinous deep-sea creature keeps its cells from paralysis under pressure
Penguins and Ice Samples Make This Research Vessel Paradice
To unravel the effects of melting sea ice, researchers drill the frozen waters around Antarctica and receive a surprise visit from a group of penguins.
These Gray Whales Are Shrinking, and Scientists Aren’t Sure Why
Gray whales in a small group that sticks close to the shores of the Pacific Northwest appear to be shrinking—and shockingly quickly
Huge Blobs of Seaweed Are Choking the Caribbean’s Iconic White Sand Beaches
Massive blobs of sargassum seaweed are taking over Caribbean beaches. The seaweed explosion is fueled by pollution washing into the ocean from rivers in the Americas and Africa
Glacial Melting Could Change the Chemistry of Antarctic Seawater
Researchers are investigating how an iron infusion from glacial meltwater might change Antarctica’s seas and the climate.
Antarctica’s ‘Doomsday Glacier’ Is Melting Even Faster Than Scientists Thought
Warming waters are reaching several miles into Antarctica’s Thwaites Glacier—nicknamed the “doomsday glacier” because of its potential impact on sea-level rise
See the ‘Tragic Beauty’ in Shorelines Marred by Climate Change
A stunning photography collection underlines how climate change is altering the world’s coastal and lakeside environments
Glow-in-the-Dark Animals May Have Been around for 540 Million Years
Ancestors of so-called soft corals may have developed bioluminescence in the earliest days of deep-ocean living
Earth’s Coral Reefs Face a New, Deadly Mass Bleaching. They Can Still Be Saved
“A mass bleaching event is, by definition, a mass mortality event,” a leading coral reef expert says
Black Scientists Are Building Their Own Vital Communities
A person-centric scientific conference demonstrates that gathering can counter the isolation of underrepresentation
Deepwater Sharks Are Threatened by Demand for Liver Oil
One in seven species of deepwater sharks and rays is threatened with extinction because of the liver oil and meat trade and emerging fishing technologies that make it possible to catch deep-sea fishes