These Bizarre Devices Could Generate Power from Ocean Waves
A facility off the coast of Oregon is being constructed to test devices to harness wave power that resemble everything from buoys to carpets
These Bizarre Devices Could Generate Power from Ocean Waves
A facility off the coast of Oregon is being constructed to test devices to harness wave power that resemble everything from buoys to carpets
Tidal Power Faces a Fickle Future with Rising Seas
To pull power from the waves, you need a high tidal range or strong currents. Sea-level rise threatens to mess with both
Engineers Look to River and Ocean Currents for Clean Energy
The Department of Energy is helping to fund 11 projects that are designed to harness the power of moving water
Contest Challenges Inventors to Harness Wave Power to Desalinate Seawater
The Department of Energy wants devices that could be deployed to disaster areas that have lost electricity
Wave Power Charges Ahead with Static Electricity Generators
An ocean-powered buoy brings technology closer to the dream of obtaining energy from the sea
Hawaii Aims for 100 Percent Renewable Power by 2045
To reduce oil imports, Hawaii may become the first state to attempt to eliminate fossil fuels
A Nation Divided On Keystone XL
The new results from the nationally representative UT Energy Poll are out today, highlighting the way so many energy issues have become politicized.
For Its 40th Birthday, Let's Retire Newsweek's Global Cooling Story
Last month, Senator Ted Cruz matter-of-factly told an interviewer that he just happened to glance at a four-decade-old article from Newsweek that very morning.
What about Earth’s Microbiome?
The latest temperature readings from Antarctica are giving the world pause, along with the finding that 70 percent of the western Antarctic ice shelf has melted.
Stanford Researchers Unveil New Ultrafast Charging Aluminum-Ion Battery
Last week, Stanford University researchers unveiled a new aluminum-ion battery chemistry with the unique ability to charge or discharge in less than a minute.
Clinton Makes Climate Change a Central Issue for 2016
It’s official. Hillary Clinton is running for President of the United States. That wasn’t a surprise, but something about her campaign really stood out yesterday – and most people missed it.
The Overly Dramatic Demise of the Light Bulb
Remember when the fight against phasing out inefficient incandescent light bulbs was a big deal? Well it seems the sky didn't fall. Just recently, Canada joined the United States, the European Union, and Australia among several countries (see map below) to phase out the production and import of inefficient incandescent light bulbs.