The Oldest-Wine-in-the-World Title Goes to a 2,000-Year-Old White Found in Southwestern Spain
A wine still liquid after two millennia turned up at a construction site near Seville, Spain
Lars Fischer is a chemist and works as a journalist and editor at Spektrum der Wissenschaft.
The Oldest-Wine-in-the-World Title Goes to a 2,000-Year-Old White Found in Southwestern Spain
A wine still liquid after two millennia turned up at a construction site near Seville, Spain
‘Loch Ness Monster’ Microbe Hunts with Bizarre Telescoping Neck
A microbe can grow a neck that is 30 times as long as its body in just a few seconds. Origami folding explains how
Physicists Create Biggest-Ever Schrödinger’s Cat
Physicists have put the largest-ever object into a quantum superposition
In a First, Scientists See How Water Stores Extra Protons
Scientists capture complex structure in a molecule-deep pool of ice
Frequent Breaks in Undersea Pipelines Mean Fixes Are Possible for Nord Stream
While international experts try to figure out what caused the ruptures in the Nord Stream pipeline, engineers have multiple options to try and fix it
Quantum Tunneling Makes DNA More Unstable
The freaky physics phenomenon of quantum tunneling may mutate genes
How Snakes Breathe while Crushing Prey
Boa constrictors wearing blood pressure cuffs and tiny masks reveal the answer to a biological puzzle
What We Know about the Rise in Monkeypox Cases Worldwide
It is unclear how some people recently diagnosed with the disease became infected with the monkeypox virus or how it is likely to spread
How to Destroy ‘Forever Chemicals’
Health-damaging PFASs are nearly impossible to break down—but a new hot-water technique can destroy them
Unraveling the Mystery of Why Children Are Better Protected from COVID Than Adults
Their immune system is more primed to fight off the novel coronavirus
A Flexible Fabric Could Harden into a Temporary House or Bridge
Ancient chain mail served as an inspiration for a highly unusual material that might one day lead to such applications
How Slime Molds Remember Where They Ate
These simple organisms physically encode food locations to solve complex tasks
The Real Danger Posed by Coronavirus-Infected Mink
A new SARS-CoV-2 strain in mink has infected about a dozen people in Denmark, but it is not known whether the mutation makes the virus more dangerous
COVID-19 and Amazon Fires Choke the Lungs of Brazilians—and the Planet
Fine dust from the burning rain forest could exacerbate coronavirus infections amid signs that the blazes might be particularly severe in 2020