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Scientific American Magazine Vol 274 Issue 3

Scientific American Magazine

Volume 274, Issue 3

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Urban Planning in Curitiba

A Brazilian city challenges conventional wisdom and relies on low technology to improve the quality of urban life

Jonas Rabinovitch, Josef Leitman

Collisions with Comets and Asteroids

The chances of a celestial body colliding with the earth are small, but the consequences would be catastrophic

Tom Gehrels

The African AIDS Epidemic

In parts of sub-Saharan Africa, nearly 25 percent of the population is HIV-positive as a result of heterosexual transmission of the virus. Could lack of circumcision make men in this region particularly susceptible?

John C. Caldwell, Pat Caldwell

Budding Vesicles in Living Cells

A transatlantic collaboration has uncovered the machinery responsible for forming the tiny but essential containers, or vesicles, that store proteins and shuttle them to and fro in cells

James E. Rothman, Lelio Orci

The Art and Science of Photoreconnaissance

In the 1950s and 1960s, photointerpreters devised ways of extracting valuable information from recondite images. Oftentimes, their work profoundly affected international relations

Dino A. Brugioni

Electrons in Flatland

Trapped in a two-dimensional plane, electrons can exhibit the quantum Hall effect, a startling phenomenon now thought to be intimately connected to superconductivity

Dung-Hai Lee, Shou-Cheng Zhang, Steven Kivelson

Caribbean Mangrove Swamps

Despite their ubiquity and prominent position between land and sea, these tropical ecosystems still hold countless surprises for researchers

Klaus Rtzler, Ilka C. Feller

Vital Data

The Human Genome Project is producing a plethora of information that will illuminate our hidden susceptibilities to disease. The effort could transform medical science. But new dangers are arriving, too

Tim Beardsley


Letter from the Editor, March 1996

Letters to the Editors, March 1996

50, 100 and 150 Years Ago: Uncomfortable Airplanes, Typewriter and The 'Wild Man'

Regulating the Body Business

Escher for the Ear

Out of this World

Plane Scary

Viral Tracers

Rain Forest Crunch

Rescuing an Endangered Tree

Getting the Goats

Stroke Mortality in Men Ages 35 to 74

It's all happening at the Zoo(logy Meeting)

No Light Matter

Pass the Salt, Please

Having It All

Hot Pork

Tough Stuff

Smart Shopping

Seeing the World in a Snowflake

Bad Timing

Exploring Chemical Bonds

Playing with Quads and Quazars

Reviews and Commentaries--Next Generation Education

Symmetry and Symmetry-Breaking in South Africa

Satisfied Customers

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