How Many Holes Does the Universe Have?
The shape of the cosmos could be much more complex than anyone had ever imagined
How Many Holes Does the Universe Have?
The shape of the cosmos could be much more complex than anyone had ever imagined
A Mystery about the Universe’s First Black Holes May Be Solved at Last
Astrophysicist Priyamvada Natarajan predicted that black holes can form without the help of stars. New observations support her theory
Next-Generation Cosmic Observatory Hits South Pole Stumbling Block
Cosmic Microwave Background Stage 4, a top-priority project for U.S. astrophysics, was designed to make breakthrough observations of the universe’s very earliest moments. Now the U.S. government says it can’t currently support the project’s construction at the South Pole
Collapsing Sheets of Spacetime Could Explain Dark Matter and Why the Universe ‘Hums’
Domain walls, long a divisive topic in physics, may be ideal explanations for some bizarre cosmic quirks
Could JWST Solve One of Cosmology's Greatest Mysteries?
The telescope's studies could help end a long-standing disagreement over the rate of cosmic expansion. But scientists say more measurements are needed
Massive Cosmic Map Suggests Dark Energy Is Even Weirder Than We Thought
In just one year of observations, a program that is creating the largest 3D map of the universe to date has sniffed out hints that dark energy may be stranger than scientists supposed
Here’s Why We Might Live in a Multiverse
Several branches of modern physics, including quantum theory and cosmology, suggest our universe may be just one of many
New X-Ray Map of Cosmic Megastructures Unravels Subatomic Mysteries
A new catalog of more than 12,000 galaxy clusters is helping scientists better understand the universe’s clumpiness, dark energy and some of the smallest particles in the cosmos: neutrinos
Dwarf Galaxies Set the Universe Alight after the Big Bang
Some of the faintest objects ever observed suggest that small galaxies were responsible for clearing the “fog” pervading the early cosmos
How Analyzing Cosmic Nothing Might Explain Everything
Huge empty areas of the universe called voids could help solve the greatest mysteries in the cosmos
Vitamin D Hope and Hype, Cosmic Voids and Preventing Depression
Alaska’s rusting rivers, einstein tiles and the new science of asexuality
The Most Shocking Discovery in Astrophysics Is 25 Years Old
A quarter of a century after detecting dark energy, scientists are still trying to figure out what it is