Stunning New Images Show Bright Future for Euclid, a Telescope Studying the ‘Dark’ Universe
The latest images from Euclid, a European mission studying dark matter and dark energy, are spectacularly beautiful—and scientifically promising
Stunning New Images Show Bright Future for Euclid, a Telescope Studying the ‘Dark’ Universe
The latest images from Euclid, a European mission studying dark matter and dark energy, are spectacularly beautiful—and scientifically promising
Collapsing Sheets of Spacetime Could Explain Dark Matter and Why the Universe ‘Hums’
Domain walls, long a divisive topic in physics, may be ideal explanations for some bizarre cosmic quirks
Massive Cosmic Map Suggests Dark Energy Is Even Weirder Than We Thought
In just one year of observations, a program that is creating the largest 3D map of the universe to date has sniffed out hints that dark energy may be stranger than scientists supposed
Unprecedented Supernova Survey Underscores Dark Energy Mystery
The Dark Energy Survey has released a long-awaited analysis based on more than 1,500 supernovae. It suggests our laws of gravity just might be correct after all—or perhaps not
A Possible Crisis in the Cosmos Could Lead to a New Understanding of the Universe
Several unexplained measurements are threatening to upend scientists’ understanding of the universe’s origin and fate
Will the Universe Ever Stop Expanding?
Scientists debate what the future of the cosmos looks like and whether space will ever stop getting bigger and bigger
Europe’s Euclid Space Telescope Is Launching a New Era in Studies of the ‘Dark Universe’
The Euclid mission will probe dark energy and dark matter like never before, setting the stage for an international, multiobservatory push to solve some of the universe’s deepest mysteries
Beginnings and Endings
Could Gravity’s Quantum Origins Explain Dark Energy?
A potentially transformative theoretical study links a new model of quantum gravity with the universe’s bizarrely accelerating rate of expansion
This Report Could Make or Break the Next 30 Years of U.S. Astronomy
A battle for the future of American stargazing is about to begin—and the stakes are sky high
The Cosmological Constant Is Physics’ Most Embarrassing Problem
Physicists have new ideas about why the energy of empty space is so much weaker than it is predicted to be