Stunning New Images Show Bright Future for Euclid, a Telescope Studying the ‘Dark’ Universe
The latest images from Euclid, a European mission studying dark matter and dark energy, are spectacularly beautiful—and scientifically promising
Stunning New Images Show Bright Future for Euclid, a Telescope Studying the ‘Dark’ Universe
The latest images from Euclid, a European mission studying dark matter and dark energy, are spectacularly beautiful—and scientifically promising
All the Darkness We Cannot See
The cosmos is brimming with dark energy and other mysterious phenomena
Collapsing Sheets of Spacetime Could Explain Dark Matter and Why the Universe ‘Hums’
Domain walls, long a divisive topic in physics, may be ideal explanations for some bizarre cosmic quirks
Can Exploding ‘Axion Stars’ Help Pin Down Dark Matter?
Scientists have proposed a new way to learn whether hypothetical particles called axions really exist—and whether axions make up most of the universe’s dark matter
China’s New Dark Matter Lab Is Biggest and Deepest Yet
The world’s deepest and largest underground laboratory is scaling up its search for dark matter
Giant Ultrafaint Galaxy Could Offer Dark Matter Clues
A ghostly giant galaxy called Nube may become a testbed for esoteric theories of dark matter
A Small Town Waits for a Dark Matter Gold Rush
Residents of a mining town waits for economic recovery while physicists under their feet wait for answers from the universe.
A Possible Crisis in the Cosmos Could Lead to a New Understanding of the Universe
Several unexplained measurements are threatening to upend scientists’ understanding of the universe’s origin and fate
JWST Might Have Spotted the First Dark Matter Stars
Stars fueled by the self-annihilation of dark matter might have been spotted for the first time by JWST
JWST’s Glimpses of Early Galaxies Could Shed Light on Dark Matter
Bold new simulations suggest the James Webb Space Telescope might be able to distinguish between competing dark matter models by studying primordial dwarf galaxies
The Weirdest Particles in the Universe
Neutrinos are bizarre and ubiquitous and may just break the rules of physics
Dark Matter Hunters Need Fresh Answers
The hunt for dark matter is in crisis, and it’s time for radical new ideas to explain our universe