A Visual Guide to Genetic Modification
Infographic compares CRISPR technology to other GM methods used in crops
A Visual Guide to Genetic Modification
Infographic compares CRISPR technology to other GM methods used in crops
Signal to Noise Special on GMOs
A new issue of Signal to Noise is all about GMOs - from the basic science to patents and environmental impact.
GMOs are Still the Best Bet for Feeding the World.
It’s been a while since I’ve written on GMOs, but it may be time to start again. Recently, a huge amount of attention was given to an IARC report suggesting that glyphosate (brand name: Roundup), one of the most common pesticides, may cause cancer.
Vegetable-Breed Time Capsules in Renaissance Whimsy
Just throwing this out there. Has there been an attempt to track the meandering flow of selective breeding of fruits, vegetables and flowers by using still life paintings since the Renaissance?
Interactive: Rescuing Modern Supermarket Produce from Utter Blandness
Learn about new, tastier foods created via modern plant-breeding techniques
Do GMO Opponents Have a Problem with Cheese?
A couple of years ago, my fiancée and I wanted to try to make some home-made mozzarella cheese, but ran into a problem. In order to turn milk into cheese, you have to add a substance called “rennet,” which causes the milk to coagulate, allowing you to separate the curd (mostly fats and hydrophobic proteins) [...]
Gentically Engineered Bananas – Audiommunity with Pamela Ronald
Bananas are delicious. Personally, my favorite consumption methods are in oatmeal or cereal, in smoothies, or just on their own (for the record, I peel them the right way, not from the stem like some savage).
The Origin of the Great GMO Debate
Today virtually everything we eat is produced from seeds that have been genetically altered in some way. New methods of plant tinkering have emerged over the generations—and so, too, have the fears
Vox Off to a Good Start on GMOs
Vox.com is a new news site that aims to do things a bit differently. Led by Ezra Klein, formerly of the Washington Post “Wonk Blog,” news stories at Vox are supposed to rely more on data, and actually provide the data behind stories so that readers can judge for themselves.
Of Course GMOs Are Not Harmful, But Maybe . . .
History laughs at the losing teams whose scientific theories crumble under the weight of evidence. The Sun orbits the Earth. Continents stand still.
Another Year, Another Post on GMOs and Allergies
I was on a bit of a hiatus on blogging last month, but a lot of good things happened. I had a manuscript accepted for publication at Cell, I got my box checked (which means I have permission to start writing my dissertation, which means I should be graduating this year), and my fiance and [...]
GMO Labeling Debate Follow-up
There was a pretty huge response to my take on the GMO labeling debate last Friday. At the time of writing, there are 37 comments (for comparison, my other posts here have had between 0 and 4 comments), and I had a couple of convergent conversations on twitter and google+.