How Many Holes Does the Universe Have?
The shape of the cosmos could be much more complex than anyone had ever imagined
How Many Holes Does the Universe Have?
The shape of the cosmos could be much more complex than anyone had ever imagined
Simple Math Creates Infinite and Bizarre Automorphic Numbers
Squaring numbers can have surprising consequences
Men’s World Cup Soccer Ball, the Al Rihla, Has the Aerodynamics of a Champion
The Al Rihla may fly more quickly through the air than previous World Cup balls
Math in 3-D: Q&A with Abel Prize Winner Dennis Sullivan
His groundbreaking work combined the mathematical field of topology with string theory
A Few of My Favorite Spaces: The Cantor Set
The Cantor set is huge, but there isn't very much there.
Uber, but for Topological Spaces
So it's cold and rainy, and you're up a little too late trying to figure out why that one pesky assumption is necessary in a theorem. Wouldn't it be nice if you could just order up a space that was path connected but not locally connected?
What We Talk about When We Talk about Holes
For Halloween, I wrote about a very scary topic: higher homotopy groups. Homotopy is an idea in topology, the field of math concerned with properties of shapes that stay the same no matter how you squish or stretch them, as long as you don’t tear them or glue things together.
Online Game Crowd-Sources Theorems
Now is your chance to prove some theorems without knowing what they mean! Chris Staecker, a mathematician at Fairfield University, created the game Nice Neighbors to get crowd-sourced solutions to problems from a field called digital topology.
Higher Homotopy Groups Are Spooky
Enter the world of 3-dimensional holes in 2-dimensional objects.
Counterexamples in Origami
Surfaces are complicated. Triangles are simple. That’s an idea behind some methods of creating computer graphics and some advanced mathematics.
A Mathematical Thanksgiving Celebration
Last year, the inimitable Vi Hart made a Thanksgiving video series, describing how to imbue your holiday celebration with more mathematics.
Can a Closed Set Be Open? Can an Open Set Be Closed? When Math and Language Collide
The dissonance between the mathematical and plain English meanings of terms can prove challenging for students