From Stupor to Sober with One (Hormone) Shot
Injection of a hormone called FGF21 rapidly revives intoxicated mice.
From Stupor to Sober with One (Hormone) Shot
Injection of a hormone called FGF21 rapidly revives intoxicated mice.
This Biophysicist 'Sun Queen' Harnessed Solar Power
Hungarian-American biophysicist and inventorMária Telkes illuminated the field of solar energy. She invented a solar oven, a solar desalination kit and, in the late 1940s, designed one of the first solar-heated houses
Cells Discovered Making ‘Dark Oxygen’ Underground
A chemical trick for making oxygen can sustain whole underground ecosystems
Lab-Made Motors Could Move and Glow in Cells
Minuscule motor molecules could emit light as they journey into cells
AI Predicts What Chemicals Will Smell like to a Human
A new computer model “maps” odor molecules to differentiate among those that have meaty, powdery, sweet and many other scents
How to Brew the Perfect Cup of Coffee, According to Science
A mathematical model reveals the best way to achieve consistently tasty espresso
‘Superworms’ Eat—and Survive on—Polystyrene
Identifying the gut microbes in plastic-munching beetle larvae illuminates bacteria that could help degrade plastic waste
Soil Microbe Could Clean Up Nuclear Waste
A bacteria-produced protein could help snag, detect or filter radioactive particles
See Strands of Ice That Look like Hair Build up on a Dead Tree Branch
This mesmerizing ice formation has befuddled scientists for a century
How We Detect Caramel Candy Scent
Pinpointing the receptor responsible for the tasty treat’s aroma underscores the importance of smell
High-Flying Sensor Detects Living Things from Far Above
A new detector could keep tabs on life on Earth—and maybe beyond