Brain Scans of Jazz Musicians Reveal How to Reach a Creative ‘Flow State’
Both expertise and the ability to release one’s focus can help people enter a state of effortless attention
Brain Scans of Jazz Musicians Reveal How to Reach a Creative ‘Flow State’
Both expertise and the ability to release one’s focus can help people enter a state of effortless attention
New Folk Song Analysis Finds Similarities around the World
Across the globe, singing traditions are vast and varied. Their commonalities may help explain how music evolved
Song Lyrics Really Are Getting Simpler and More Repetitive, Study Finds
An assessment of hundreds of thousands of songs confirms that choruses and hooks have taken over—but simpler isn’t necessarily worse
Secret Mathematical Patterns Revealed in Bach’s Music
Physicists found that the music of Johann Sebastian Bach contains mathematical patterns that help convey information
Why Do Christmas Songs Get Stuck in Your Head So Easily?
If holiday music seems designed in a lab to get stuck on repeat inside your head for all of December, well, it kind of is
Male Songbirds Need Daily Vocal Practice to Woo Females
Birds might sing in the morning because they need a vocal workout
How Quantum Math Theory Turned into a Jazz Concert
A mathematician and a musician collaborated to turn a quantum research paper into a jazz performance
What That Jazz Beat Tells Us about Hearing and The Brain
Very small delays in swing jazz point to our evolution as a supremely auditory species.
This New Album Makes Beautiful Music out of Gravity, the Elements and Photosynthesis
The British band the Sound of Science elevates edutainment on its debut
Giant Lemurs Are the First Mammals (besides Us) Found to Use Musical Rhythm
Indris’ dramatic family “songs” show repeatable timing patterns
A Geology Musical Interlude for Your Enjoyment
It's Friday. We deserve to have some fun, right? Let's have some music!
Drones Spy On Birds in Flight
Quadcopters appear to be a relatively benign tool to study the behavior and numbers of wetland birds. Christopher Intagliata reports