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Conditions in the Rock Crust That Lead to Earthquakes
Some Curious Contrivances of the Oblique Mind that Have No Prototype in Legitimate Technology
The Embarrassments of Left-Handed Perfumery, and How They Are Often Eliminated
Results of the Scientific American Test of Thought Transference from the Broadcasting Studio
Results of Tests with Genuine E.R.A. Apparatus and Genuine E.R.A. Technique
The April Conference, at Yale, of Those Expert in All Its Branches
From Raw Materials to Finished Product in the World's Largest Dynamite Plant
How the Behavior of Columns and Beams Under Exposure to Conflagrations Is Determined in the Laboratory
How a Bitter and Dangerous Enemy of Mankind Is Being Routed With Such Weapons as Propaganda and Poison Gas
A Monster Model, in Relief, of the Entire State of California
Open-Hearth Furnace, Making a Superior Steel, Supersedes the Bessemer Converter
An Interesting Relationship Involving the Relief of a Filtration-Plant Nuisance
Solved and Unsolved Problems Which It Places Before Our Eyes
Some Facts about Their Menace and Their Prevention