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Scientific American Magazine Vol 130 Issue 6

Scientific American Magazine

Volume 130, Issue 6

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The Family Tree of Coal Tar

Inside the Earth, and Out

Conditions in the Rock Crust That Lead to Earthquakes

Oliver Lodge

Photographs of the Inner Body

The Criminal as an Inventor

Some Curious Contrivances of the Oblique Mind that Have No Prototype in Legitimate Technology

Edward H. Smith

Taking the Stenches Out of Industry

The Embarrassments of Left-Handed Perfumery, and How They Are Often Eliminated

James H. Collins

Here and There, June 1924

Telepathy and Radio

Results of the Scientific American Test of Thought Transference from the Broadcasting Studio

J. Malcolm Bird

Our Abrams Investigation--IX

Results of Tests with Genuine E.R.A. Apparatus and Genuine E.R.A. Technique

Austin C. Lescarboura

Getting Together on the Traffic Problem

The April Conference, at Yale, of Those Expert in All Its Branches

The Locomotive of the Future

S. W. Clatworthy

The Blast Factory

From Raw Materials to Finished Product in the World's Largest Dynamite Plant

H. E. Davis

Railway Ties of Concrete for India's Railways, Disappearing Searchlight Towers and more

Studying Fire Risks from Sample Fires

How the Behavior of Columns and Beams Under Exposure to Conflagrations Is Determined in the Laboratory

J. F. Springer

Torpedo Attack by Airplane, Ferry Boats with Turbo-Electric Drive

Color in Nature

Coal and Coal Tar

Ismar Ginsberg

Sydney Harbor Bridge

Fighting the Bed Bug

How a Bitter and Dangerous Enemy of Mankind Is Being Routed With Such Weapons as Propaganda and Poison Gas

James H. Collins

A Gasoline Engine that is Different, Electric Light Extremes and more

The Largest Map in the World

A Monster Model, in Relief, of the Entire State of California

H. H. Dunn

The Rotary System of Oil-Well Drilling

A New Portable Microscope for Use in the Shop, An Old Canal Put to Use and more

The Story of Steel--VI

Open-Hearth Furnace, Making a Superior Steel, Supersedes the Bessemer Converter

Birds and Sewage Disposal

An Interesting Relationship Involving the Relief of a Filtration-Plant Nuisance

Leon Augustus Hausman

Fighting Forest Fires with Radio and Plane, Psychology and Criminal Responsibility and more

Uncle Sam's High-Priced School, The War Department Radio Net

Safety of Life and Limb

The Sky by Day

Solved and Unsolved Problems Which It Places Before Our Eyes

M. Luckiesh

New Ideas of Prehistoric Flora, A Tree with Engineering Judgment and more


Some Facts about Their Menace and Their Prevention

D. S. Olson

Is Snowfall Decreasing?


With the Editors, June 1924

Our Point of View, June 1924

Inventions New and Interesting, June 1924

The Heavens in June, 1924

Recently Patented Inventions, June 1924

The Scientific American Digest, June 1924

Radio Notes, June 1924