Sun Erupts with Largest Flare of This Solar Cycle, but Auroras Unlikely to Follow
The same massive sunspot cluster that gave Earth multiple nights of stunning aurora displays has now produced the largest flare of the current solar cycle
Sun Erupts with Largest Flare of This Solar Cycle, but Auroras Unlikely to Follow
The same massive sunspot cluster that gave Earth multiple nights of stunning aurora displays has now produced the largest flare of the current solar cycle
Giant Sunspot Cluster Could Pelt Earth with a Cannibal Coronal Mass Ejection
A giant sunspot cluster rivaling the one that caused the Carrington Event in 1859 could trigger a cannibal coronal mass ejection. But this is unlikely to cause major problems
In a First, JWST Confirms an Atmosphere on a Rocky Exoplanet
Milestone observations from the James Webb Space Telescope reveal signs of an atmosphere on the inhospitably hot super-Earth 55 Cancri e
The Strangest Alien Worlds Are beyond Astronomers’ Wildest Dreams
Alien worlds that glow like lightbulbs or harbor molten-rock rain are revealing planets’ profound cosmic diversity—and pointing the way toward finding those that truly resemble our own familiar Earth
It’s Time for a Nature Preserve—On the Moon
The far side of the moon holds the keys to the future of radio astronomy. We must maintain its pristine silence to benefit everyone
Has the Last Great Space Observatory Already Launched?
Astronomy’s future may be slipping away—one climate disaster at a time
How to Move the World’s Largest Camera from a California Lab to an Andes Mountaintop
A multimillion-dollar digital camera could revolutionize astronomy. But first it needs to climb a mountain halfway around the globe
Where Is Planet Nine? Its Hiding Places Are Running Out
The search for a mysterious planetary body beyond Neptune has narrowed down its possible location—if it exists at all
Did the Eclipse Give You the Amateur Astronomy Bug? Here’s How to Get Started
Chanda Prescod-Weinstein, a professional astronomer, talks about her own adventures in astrophotography—and offers tips and tricks for new amateur astronomers.
Donate Your Eclipse Glasses to Help Others Safely Enjoy the Awe
The nonprofit Astronomers Without Borders is collecting gently used eclipse glasses through Warby Parker and other sites to enable people to see future eclipses
What Were the Red Dots around the Total Solar Eclipse?
During the total solar eclipse, skywatchers saw ruby-colored prominences sticking out of the moon's shadow. Here's the science of those red dots
See Stunning Images Captured by Scientific American Staff during the Solar Eclipse
Scientific American staffers headed to locations ranging from Texas to Vermont to try to catch a glimpse of the total solar eclipse