Book Review: Proof: The Science of Booze
Books and recommendations from Scientific American
Book Review: Proof: The Science of Booze
Books and recommendations from Scientific American
Making Sustainable Beer
As global population continues to grow, managing the relationships between water, food and energy is becoming increasingly critical. Businesses need to react to the challenge and be mindful of the important role they play in implementing solutions.
What Is the Big Deal about Powdered Alcohol?
Palcohol could give new meaning to the phrase “dry martini"
In Search of a Cure for the Dreaded Hangover
Can science help defeat the physical aftereffects of drinking too much alcohol—if not the regrets?
The Hangover: Part N+1
Developing a hangover doesn't prevent or even significantly delay the next drinking bout. Sophie Bushwick reports
Wine Becomes More Like Whisky as Alcohol Content Gets High
Superstar wine critic Robert Parker’s legacy—a zinfandel with 17 percent alcohol?
Friday Happy Hour #3: Pumpkin Beer, Flavor Generation and Brewing Adjuncts
I’m doing a monthly series here at Food Matters that I’m calling “Friday* Happy Hour,” in which I’ll delve into the science of alcohol production.
Friday Happy Hour: An Introduction (American Lager)
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) , over 50% of adults over the age of 18 had at least one alcoholic drink per month in 2010.
IgNobels 2013! Beauty is in the eye of the beer-holder.
Today we present the 2013 IgNobel Prize in Psychology! I’m sure we’ve all been there. You go out, and you think at first you look ok.
Is Bad Judgment the Cause and Effect of Adolescent Binge Drinking?
A new study in rats suggests that alcohol abuse in adolescents could lead to impaired decision-making in adulthood
From Wine to New Drugs: A Novel Way to Reduce Damage from Heart Attacks
Scientists may have hit on a way to diminish heart attack toll as well as stave off effects of Alzheimer's and other ills
Fact or Fiction?: Animals Like to Get Drunk
Although some tales have proved apocryphal, at least one Malaysian shrew likes to quaff brew