There’s a Better Way to Mine for Electric Vehicle Batteries
We do not want to trade the harm of emissions from gasoline vehicles for the harm caused by unsustainable mining practices
There’s a Better Way to Mine for Electric Vehicle Batteries
We do not want to trade the harm of emissions from gasoline vehicles for the harm caused by unsustainable mining practices
Google Taps Hot Rocks to Cool Climate
The potential of geothermal energy as a carbon-free power source is well known. Now companies such as Google are helping to unlock it
Commercial Airliner Is First to Cross Atlantic with Biofuel Power
Virgin Atlantic flew the first large commercial jet to traverse the Atlantic with 100 percent sustainable aviation fuel
U.S. Carbon Emissions Set to Fall Again, a Key Sign of Progress
A projected drop in U.S. greenhouse gas emissions—one of the largest of the past decade—is still not enough to meet the country’s commitments under the Paris climate accord
This Biophysicist 'Sun Queen' Harnessed Solar Power
Hungarian-American biophysicist and inventorMária Telkes illuminated the field of solar energy. She invented a solar oven, a solar desalination kit and, in the late 1940s, designed one of the first solar-heated houses
U.S. and China Reach New Climate Agreement
China and the U.S. agreed to new greenhouse gas reduction commitments ahead of upcoming climate talks, but the relationship between the world’s top two emitters remains “challenging”
State Election Results Bring Clean Energy Consequences
The outcomes of state elections this week may mean more natural gas plants in Texas, greater use of climate law funds in Kentucky and the continuation of the status quo in Maine and Mississippi
These Bizarre Devices Could Generate Power from Ocean Waves
A facility off the coast of Oregon is being constructed to test devices to harness wave power that resemble everything from buoys to carpets
‘Virtual’ Power Plants Give the Grid Vital Flexibility
Virtual power plants are aggregations of electricity producers, consumers and storers that power grid managers can call on to balance electricity demand and supply
Wind Power Will Expand with Larger Turbines but Could Face Pushback
With the expansion of wind power—and the growth of turbines—comes challenges in areas that are unaccustomed to whirring blades
New Chemical Process Offers Hope for Mixed-Plastics Recycling
A molecular additive allows different kinds of plastic to be recycled together
The American Climate Corps Wants You
Biden’s new program is expected to hire 20,000 people in its first year for renewable energy projects and ecological restoration