Who Owns Your Voice in the Age of AI?
Emerging AI services present scenarios that could challenge the laws over rights to a persona
Who Owns Your Voice in the Age of AI?
Emerging AI services present scenarios that could challenge the laws over rights to a persona
A Vibrating Curtain of Silk Can Stifle Noise Pollution
Inspired by headphone technology, silk sewn with a vibrating fiber acts as a lightweight sound barrier
New Earplugs Won’t Amplify the Sound of Your Own Voice
Wearing earplugs, hearing aids and earphones can make your own voice sound booming, but a new design dampens the din
What Does an AI Do When It Sees an Optical Illusion?
Experiments with optical illusions have revealed surprising similarities between human and AI perception
Singapore Airlines Turbulence: Why Climate Change Is Making Flights Rougher
Warming temperatures are likely to mean that more of your plane ride will have rocky conditions, creating potentially dangerous situations
The Emerging Artificial Intelligence Era Faces a Growing Threat from Directed Energy Weapons
Autonomous and AI-enabled systems increasingly rely on optical and radio frequency sensors and significant computer power. They face growing vulnerabilities from directed-energy laser and microwave weapons
Bilingual AI Brain Implant Helps Stroke Survivor Converse in Both Spanish and English
A first-of-a-kind AI system enables a person with paralysis to communicate in two languages
This Start-Up Wants You to Put Custom Bacteria on Your Teeth
Lumina Probiotic has said a genetically modified microbe could prevent cavities. Experts, though, have safety concerns
We Don’t Need to Choose between Brain Injury and ‘Mass Hysteria’ to Explain Havana Syndrome
Puzzling Havana Syndrome injuries that have afflicted U.S. diplomats may have a more complicated explanation than solely pulsed microwaves or mass psychology
This Paint Could Clean Both Itself and the Air
Recycled materials contribute to a pollutant-neutralizing paint
A Widely Used Criminal Justice Algorithm For Assessing Child Pornography Recidivism Is Flawed
The CPORT algorithm, commonly used to estimate the risk that a child pornography offender will offend again, hasn’t been validated for use in the U.S.
Quantum Internet Milestone Takes Entanglement Out of the Lab and into Cities
It’s a “big deal” to demonstrate entangled quantum networks outside a lab