The Best Strategy for Learning May Depend on What You’re Trying to Remember
Different approaches can support varied forms of memory
The Best Strategy for Learning May Depend on What You’re Trying to Remember
Different approaches can support varied forms of memory
A New Vision for Neighborhoods That Could Fight Loneliness
These cohousing communities are fighting an epidemic of loneliness with radical neighborliness.
Do Scientists Make Good Presidents?
Following Mexico’s election of a woman with a scientific pedigree, Nature reviewed the legacy of well-known politicians with backgrounds in science and engineering.
How to Improve Prospective Memory, the Ability to Remember to Remember
Prospective memory is a skill that can be practiced, making it more likely that someone can remember an appointment or meet a deadline
Up All Night? You May Have Actually Been Asleep
You say you haven’t slept all night. Brain scans say you have. New science says both inferences may be right
MDMA Therapy Is Rejected by FDA Panel
Scientific advisers vote overwhelmingly that the risks of MDMA treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder outweigh the benefits
How to Parent Teens with Empathy
A 25-year study shows that teens who receive empathy from their parents give more empathy to their peers and, later, their own children
Brain Scans of Jazz Musicians Reveal How to Reach a Creative ‘Flow State’
Both expertise and the ability to release one’s focus can help people enter a state of effortless attention
Neurodivergent Kids Flourish When They’re Taught How Their Brains Work
When teachers and parents talk to kids about having ADHD, autism or learning disabilities, they set them up for success
Depression, Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder Are Linked with Ancient Viral DNA in Our Genome
Retroviruses, some of which predate the human species, are tied to a genetic susceptibility to major psychiatric disorders
Crows Rival Human Toddlers in Counting Skills
Counting crows proclaim “caw, caw, caw, caw” when staring at the number four
We Don’t Need to Choose between Brain Injury and ‘Mass Hysteria’ to Explain Havana Syndrome
Puzzling Havana Syndrome injuries that have afflicted U.S. diplomats may have a more complicated explanation than solely pulsed microwaves or mass psychology