The Remarkable Life of Chemistry Professor and Crime Buster Mary Louisa Willard
This chemistry professor helped police around the world solve arsons and homicides
The Remarkable Life of Chemistry Professor and Crime Buster Mary Louisa Willard
This chemistry professor helped police around the world solve arsons and homicides
Atom-Thick Gold Coating Sparks Scientific ‘Goldene Rush’
Ultrathin gold was achieved with the help of a century-old sword-making technique
Your Tattoo Ink Might Contain Hidden Ingredients
Chemists are hard at work figuring out how to make tattoos last—and ensure they’re safe.
Chemists Finally Made a Compound Containing Mysterious Element Promethium
Promethium, one of the rarest and most mysterious elements in the periodic table, has finally given up some crucial chemical secrets
How Do Whole-Body Deodorants Work, and Are They Safe?
A number of whole-body deodorants are coming to market. But are they safe and effective?
How Tobacco Companies Use Chemistry to Get around Menthol Bans
Regulating chemicals one-by-one has allowed the tobacco industry to skirt menthol bans by creating new additives with similar effects but unclear safety profiles
This Paint Could Clean Both Itself and the Air
Recycled materials contribute to a pollutant-neutralizing paint
A Citrus-Scented Cannabis Compound Reduces Anxiety for Weed Users
New research into weed reveals how a lemon-scented terpene can ease anxiety without reducing the high.
After Brewing Beer, Yeast Can Help Recycle Metals from E-waste
This beer-making by-product could offer a sustainable way to isolate metals for recycling electronic waste
Superheavy Elements Are Breaking the Periodic Table
Extreme atoms are pushing the bounds of physics and chemistry
Like-Charge Particles Are Supposed to Repel—But Sometimes They Attract
Scientists think they’ve cracked the long-standing mystery of attraction among particles with a similar charge
Why Aren’t Better Sunscreens Sold in the U.S.?
A decade after Congress told the FDA to expedite the approval of more effective sunscreens, the federal government still has not approved sunscreen ingredients that are safely being used around the world