July/August 2024: Three New Books, Reviewed
A riveting quest to map the world; quantum physics in a four-act drama; climate solutions that show what we’re doing right
July/August 2024: Three New Books, Reviewed
A riveting quest to map the world; quantum physics in a four-act drama; climate solutions that show what we’re doing right
This 1920s Debate Explains Why So Many Americans Hate the News Media
Brawls over the honesty of online and cable news today owe their origins to World War I and a debate that divides us still
What Lucy the Ancient Hominin Can Teach Us about Being Naked
Lucy, a 3.2-million-year-old fossilized hominin, may have been much less hairy than we imagine—a perhaps shocking revelation for our modern sense of nakedness
Oldest Deep-Sea Shipwreck Is a ‘Time Capsule’ from the Bronze Age
An ancient shipwreck lost in deep waters has yielded its first clues: amphorae from a lost age of international trade and civilization
We’ve Hit Peak Denial. Here’s Why We Can’t Turn Away From Reality
We are living through a terrible time in humanity. Here’s why we tend to stick our heads in the sand and why we need to pull them out, fast
Humans Started Passing Down Knowledge to Future Generations 600,000 Years Ago
The advent of “cumulative culture”—teaching others and passing down that knowledge—may have reached an inflection point around the time Neandertals and modern humans split from a common ancestor
University Presidents Should Study How Democracy Works
A philosophy department chair arrested at a campus protest offers university presidents a lesson in democracy
Here’s Why the News Didn’t Tell You What Protesters Really Wanted
Baked-in news practices cover only the worst moments of protests and neglect telling people what protesters are asking for, extensive research shows
Trump’s Personality Cult Plays a Part in His Political Appeal
Personality measures suggest Donald Trump exerts a cult of personality over his followers, people who are psychologically susceptible to his appeal. This could help explain how he has succeeded in U.S. politics while other populists have not
Ancient Snake and Centipede Carvings Are among World’s Largest Rock Engravings
Enormous engraved rock art of anacondas, rodents and other animals along the Orinoco River in Colombia and Venezuela may have been used to mark territory 2,000 years ago
We Must Face Down the Expanding Anti-Reality Industry
Exposing the antiscience playbook reveals the antiregulatory motives of its deep-pocketed bankrollers
Cooperation Is the Key to Surviving the Apocalypse
Cooperation theorist Athena Aktipis talks about zombies, game theory, go bags and more in her new book, A Field Guide to the Apocalypse.